Guillermo’s Trenbolone Before and After

This is what 90 days’ usage of Trenbolone does to your body. I acted as an adviser on this cycle, picking the steroids and supplements from the arsenal and learning the process from Guillermo himself. These pictures tell the story of the work and effort invested by Guillermo himself!

Client: Guillermo Konopelski
Date: December 2023

Parabolan is the most known brand name for Trenbolone or Trenabol, which is a popular non-aromatizing androgen/anabolic steroid, but it can be aromatized at a high dosage (only in some cases).

Muscle Building and Usage

The drug is considered quite effective in building quality muscle tissue without inflating them with water, thus it is also used in cutting cycles. It can work effectively with the individual taking a low or limited calorie diet, provided that the protein consumption is high.

Stacking and Dosage

Бодибилдеры, которые не хотят выходить за пределы своей весовой категории, комбинируют этот стероид с Анаваром (низкоандрогенным стероидом), который обеспечивает огромную силу и цикл мощности. Эффективная дозировка составляет 70-150 мг в неделю. Обычно он эффективен в организме в течение как минимум двух-четырех дней.

Estrogen Conversion and Side Effects

Because of stronger anabolic than androgenic component, Trenbolone is not easily converted into estrogen. One using this steroid should not be concerned about gynecomastia; however, some other androgenic side effects can be present.

  • Androgenic Characteristics: Parabolan can produce extensive rigidity in lean individuals due to its androgenic characteristics.
  • Health Risks: The side effects can affect kidney function and blood pressure.

Caution for Beginners

The drug is considered as a very strong steroid and results in building very rigid and vascular appearance. Although it is the choice of thousands of athletes and pre-contest bodybuilders, it is advised to use it under strict control if you are only a beginner at bodybuilding.