Jake’s Deca Durabolin Before and After

This is what 105 days on Deca Durabolin can do to your body. I was the advisor on this cycle, selecting steroids and supplements and acting as a supplement advisor. You can see the result for yourself, thanks to Jake’s dedication!

Client: Jake Nickelson
Date: March 2024

Nandrolone Decanoate or, as it’s better known commercially, Deca-Durabolin is an anabolic steroid related to the hormone testosterone. It is widely used by competitive and professional bodybuilders and powerlifters because of its ability to increase muscle tissue growth, red blood cell production, nitrogen retention, and hemoglobin, which all lead to more muscle growth and repair.

Possible Side Effects

As is the case with any anabolic steroid you take to improve your strength, muscle growth, and performance, there is always going to be the risk of side effects. When you take Deca Durabolin, it is no different and some of the possible side effects you may experience include:

For men – balding, infertility, Gynecomastia (also known as man boobs), testicular shrinkage, impotence, and the increased risk of testicular cancer.

For women – increased body and face hair growth, deeper voice, breast shrinkage, and clitoral growth.

For both

  • High blood pressure
  • Roid rage (uncontrollably high levels of aggression)
  • Erratic mood swings
  • In the worst-case scenario, prolonged use can result in liver damage,
  • heart disease, kidney disease, and aneurysms are also possible.

Scientific Information

Deca-Durabolin is a Nandrolone-based 19-nor steroid. Nandrolone is a naturally occurring hormone found in the body and similar to testosterone, though in much smaller amounts. It is one of the hormones that are responsible for the body’s growth. Nandrolone is attached to the Decanoate ester to help the slow-acting steroid produce longer-lasting effects. The half-life of this compound is reasonably long at 15 days. This makes it steroid with one of the longest half-lives, besides steroids that feature the Undecanoate ester.

Possible Results

As Deca-Durabolin is a very slow acting steroid compared to others available, if you use it you should not expect to see any noticeable changes for at least 4 weeks after you first started taking it. However, because Deca-Durabolin is a steroid with a much longer ester-based compound, the effects last longer.

What Are The Benefits Of Deca

  • Increases Protein Synthesis
  • HUGE Strength and Muscle Mass Gains
  • Cutting/Bulking Agent
  • Quick Recovery and Soothes Aching Joints
  • Boost Nitrogen Retention For Best Workouts!
  • Increases Lean Muscle Mass Yet Reduces Body Fat
  • Great For Bulking or Cutting Cycles
  • Why Buy Deca-Durabolin?

If you are a competing bodybuilder you should consider buying Deca-Durabolin because it increases protein synthesis to help develop leaner and stronger muscle mass. IT can be used in both bulking upcycles and cutting cycles and can soothe aching joints after a competition or training session, as well as helping your muscles to repair effectively and quickly. It also resists water retention, meaning that any gains you experience are 100% muscle tissue growth while boosting nitrogen retention, which will help you during tougher work out sessions.